Is Quality Education Attainable, Possible?

    The DepEd prepared well to ensume quality education this COVID 19 pandemic. The sy: 2020-2021 was moved to October 5 that's a long delay to have the modules ready and online classes ready. The government, all sectors, private and public support one another so that classes-home base be pushed through. The idea to forget Sy:2020-2021 was not accepted. All means are done, Webinar, chat with the teachers, all are monitored and executed, attendance strictly checked, modules well prepared, checked, assorted, counted, distributed on time. What a sacrifice on the part of the teachers just to give us, quality education...

   The smart government, the educators, the netizens, citizens, the PTA, local government are united, help one another, support each other to have this Sy:2020-2021. Its different, home based, online but the student's like me are adjusting, coping-up, accepting the challenges. Many generous netizens, citizens help the poorest of the poor learner to have access to computer by providing them gadgets such as Cell phone, laptop, computer. They respond with a heart to help the most indigent but with a great passion to avail and have quality education. The parents accept the challenges, do their parts to guide, to help their children to self study and they serve their teacher. Their children surely miss the classroom, the real teacher but parents anyway are the children's first teacher.

   With the gadget help, we are lucky, the modules have holistic approach, not boring anyway. We have self expression, not only question and answer,providing answers data. We are asked to make blog of our own,internet research, use of computer, essay writing, slogan poster making, observing-experimenting, interviewing, commenting, singing, dancing, reciting a peom, prayer, videoing, giving a speech, sharing own views and opinions varied activities the are important to have quality education and think logically intelligenty and apply there in real life situation. Great! Kudos to teachers making modules, assorting, distributing on time, Kudus to parents getting their childrens modules. Kudos to students appreciating their modules by reading well and performing the tasks required of them. With the positive attitudes the parents, teachers, community ro accept this new trend, surely quality education is possible Attainable even this COVID 10 pandemic. 
